1. We were in the process of buying a house from April to July, in the end we backed out. (Are you kidding me? We're NOT moving???)
2. My postcard deadline is approaching quicker than I thought it would, with no space to sew them. 24 postcards... sewn... by someone who pretends to know what shes doing on the sewing machine...
3. Micah and I went on a date two weeks ago, only the second real one since Mason was born (Comments from other people - "Are you kidding me?") Yes, that is WAY too long. For those of you without kiddos yet, EMBRACE your date nights. Have lots of them.
4. On our date we propose to have a house by October no matter what... Yikes, are you kidding me? We've been looking since last summer. No way Jose.
5. Long story short, we're MOVING! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! FINALLY?! Yes Folks, we are moving... *sigh* And no, my friends, its not to the "fixer uper" (for those of you that were aware of that fiasco). And THAT, my friends, is why poor little Mason is stuck in a BOX.
Wow, I was WAY WAYYYYY off. Oh well. Congrats!!! Do you have an address so we can start stalking the place. :-)
Congratulations Diane!
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