I failed to take any worthy photos on our yearly camping trip this year. Camping you say?! With a 6.75 month old?! Yes, it can be done. I was a little worried my little sweetie would awaken the entire campground the second night after he soiled his pack-n'-play, but all was well and we were back to the drowning sound of cicadas in no time. Granted he was rolling around and flapping his arms on the air mattress while I quickly tried to find a replacement sheet (an unwrapped sling worked great) and I swore he was wide awake - but after killing my back trying to place him back in his bed (have you ever tried to stand on an air mattress with a child...?) he went right back to sleep. He just loves being outdoors. Thanks Christy for the tent and air mattress, we couldn't have done it without you :) Our previous camping adventures have been done in a two-person tent, which in reality only sleeps 1.5. You can only sit up and slide yourself out of the door if you need to get out. That was obviously without Mason.
Speaking of our big boy, we had his 6 month appointment last week. Actually it was more like a 7 month appointment since he will be 7 months on the 1st. Here are Mason's stats taken on August 21st: Height: 27.5" Weight: 19# 12 oz.
This week Mason has been chewing on boxes and pretty much everything he can find. He coughed up a potato peel yesterday (Dad must have dropped that at lunch...) I swear I do vacuum, but at this point I give up until we move. His bottom two teeth are in and his top two will be soon to follow.
p.s. We're moving this weekend!
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