38 weeks is here tomorrow, and the baby will be coming no later than March 30th! Still no girl name to speak of so if you have any thoughts please let me know... I have a list but none that are jumping out at me. They boy names seem to come much easier, so we'll see! The nursery is done and finally has doors (which Mason figured out how to open this week) and curtains. Hooray for the little things :) Today was my last Dr. appt. and he measured me at 42 weeks. Seriously?!? ! I really don't think it seems that big, and the belly casts I made of Mason still are too large. But alas, this baby is proving to take up a lot of space.

We took Mason to Dubuque a few weeks ago to the waterpark and for a fun overnight as a family of 3. He had lots of fun on the waterslides (with Micah) even though every time he said he didn't want to go down, he always asked for "more" when they were done. He is still excited for the baby, and also for Grandpa to come visit him next week!
I probably won't post again until after little Miller is born, so until then I am hoping for a low stress week with minimal bending and lots of love for little Mason. Its so hard to believe he will be the big brother! Time sure flies...
You are too cute - and so is Mr. Mason!
The countdown is on! Very excited for you and hope you get that girl name picked out! :) Naming kids is a lot of pressure! We will be thinking about you next week!
yay! The nursery looks great and so do you. No help here on baby girl names, we're struggling too! Good luck with everything, can't wait to see her!
Hi Diane, I really enjoy your blog! I am so bad at updating mine!
Can't believe the baby is almost here---are you uncomfortable yet?
I will be excited to find out if the baby is a boy or a girl!!!
I am 32 weeks and already waddling and uncomfortable. :( This 3rd pregnancy has been the worst by far; there will definitely not be a 4th!!!
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