Wow, I am worn out. Who knew two kids were so much work! Well, a lot of you already knew that. But you also know how much more you rely on friends around you and most importantly realize that you cannot do it all, especially not alone! These days are challenging me to look deeper into my relationship with Christ and rely on HIM instead of my own strength. I'm certainly far from perfect and am realizing it daily. Needless to say, I am so thankful that I can stay home and love my kids through serving them and changing lots and lots of diapers. Lots. And lots. But that doesn't last forever.
Avery is growing fast, smiling and laughing are so much fun to watch. I forget how fast these milestones happen and want to enjoy each one of them. Mason is developing his independence more and more daily, he insists on getting his own water for bedtime and making his own "chocate miiiiiilk" (sometime he draws out his words so much you would swear he was from the South) :) He also loves to help me cook and eat everything as I go. He has developed a taste for most raw vegetables and even loves to eat raw mushrooms.
Avery had her 2 month appointment last week and weighed in at 12# 12 oz and was 24 inches long. She loves to watch Mason play and would rather sit up and watch everything going on around her. Like her brother, she is very observant. Unlike her brother, she likes her naps and is sleeping pretty well...
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