We now have GRASS! If you had been to our yard this past summer you would just be amazed at the photos below, gone are the mountains of dirt from excavation and piles of broken cement and ugly rotten birdhouses leftover from the previous owners... sod is a beautiful thing.
We now have GRASS! If you had been to our yard this past summer you would just be amazed at the photos below, gone are the mountains of dirt from excavation and piles of broken cement and ugly rotten birdhouses leftover from the previous owners... sod is a beautiful thing.

Mason and Avery were so excited for a yard. Mason was running around barefoot at the end of November, Popsicle in hand. He was literally running laps around the yard. And a tackle for his sister seemed appropriate as well.

Also in November we found out about #3! This photo is NOT up to date (FYI, I am not that big yet!) but is from when Avery was just a little peanut, but since they will be so close together I'm sure it won't take me long to get back to that size... Baby 3 is due July 8!

Hey Diane, Hope you guys are doing well. Loved the new pics. The tackling is great. Clayton does that to Maddie and she just laughs and laughs. We are in Galesburg now more and more so you will have to let me know if you are in town. I would love to get the kids together. Congrats on the news too! So exciting! :)
#3?? Congrats lady! You are going to be one busy mommy! Hope you are doing well!
Congratulations on baby #3!!
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