Not sure how many apples we picked this weekend, but the tree was loaded this year. We went two times down the lane, once with Micah climbing the tree and the other with the extension ladder. Three boxes returned with us, the rest stayed home. Now I just have to make time to take care of these beauties before they go bad. So far I've made apple butter, apple sauce, and apple crisp. These will be repeated, I'm sure, but we also will have to make some food to take with us on VACATION (!!!) - which is way overdue - Any other apple recipes that are excellent please let me know
We didn't have any wood for our wood burning stove, so Micah found a little. :)

Working with Dad on the car.

Male Bonding.

Dining room. This is after we "cleaned up." See the haze? Thats the dust that seems to be taking over that part of the house. Since the photo was taken, you can at least now see the floor again.

I realize this post is all over the place, but thats my head these days. Last night Mason woke up around 2:30, and I thought, "why won't he go back to sleep, theres chicken noodle soup in his crib and people to feed him, why won't he just eat it?" Then I proceeded to think I was feeding him pepperoni. Thats when you know its time to get more sleep. I never knew you could dream when you were awake. Makes me wonder what the heck was in that pizza last night....
Poor Diane! Not sleeping is the worst! And it's really really the worst after your beautiful baby was sleeping and then decides it is overrated! I'm sure it's a phase he'll kick out of soon or at least maybe if we keep saying that it will come true!
What about a good old fashion apple pie? I have a good quick recipe. I will try to remember to send it to you!
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