Friday, November 6, 2009

A few favorites

In the few minutes here and there I've been able to spend time at my cluttered desk adding more to the pile and actually finish some things for the Open House next weekend. I finally bought some more ink and am having fun playing around with it. These are 4x4 canvases so they are very doable in my spare time. These could go in Mason's room if I don't sell them next weekend, so either way I will be happy :)

I scavenge around the garage every once in a while to see what treasures Micah has been storing in HIS piles. I grabbed a few boards and thought they would be perfect for some mixed media collages and drawings. He also has some great trim that I haven't gotten to yet, not sure if he's ready to give it up yet...
(Pine board, found papers, gesso, acrylic, pencil, chalk, not sure what else I used... a little of everything)

These little houses are yet to find a home, they are in process and I'm still contemplating what to do to them next. Mason arranged them on the window with his little person looking at them. Priceless.

On another note, today is "take your son to work day" at the Miller household - which means I am home alone until tomorrow when I join the boys at the farm. Micah took the truck, wagon, a load of shingles and Mason up to the farm to do some roofing and combining with his dad. My mind was spinning this morning after they left at all of the possibilities I have to do until tomorrow. I haven't had this much time to myself since before Mason was born. A little bizarre.

But how could you want to leave these beautiful faces???

Happy Friday!

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